Kickstart your career.
Grow your skills.

Jumpstart Your Career

Our internship opportunities are focused on your personal and professional development. We aim to attract and retain the best and brightest students that are representative of all forms of diversity in our community.

Summer Internship Opportunities

This 10-week paid internship experience gives you the opportunity to be an integral part of our company. You'll work on meaningful projects and continue to develop throughout the entire summer. You can also attend additional development workshops that are focused on key concepts within various career areas.

Intern Postings Available

Academic Year

Summer internships are posted throughout the academic year. You can apply to any position that you're qualified for and interested in. Not all positions are posted at the same time so check back frequently!

Interview & Selection

Academic Year

A member of our talent acquisition team will reach out to potential candidates to set up interviews and meetings with the hiring managers. Hiring managers will select the best and brightest individuals as their interns.

Orientation & Internship

June - August

Our program starts on the first Monday in June and ends the second Friday of August. These months will be filled with projects, development workshops, and networking opportunities.

What Our Interns Say

One thing that really suprised me about the company culture was how much people believe in you and really want to see you succeed.
Kristen Data Strategy and Insights Intern
This internship allowed me to be who I truly am and bring my true self to work.
Tiara Human Resources Intern
The culture here is really inclusive and it encourages interns to work with each other. All of the managers have been very supportive.
Michael Data Strategy & Analytics Intern
I honestly feel that Excellus BlueCross BlueShield really cares about its members' wellbeing and provides them with everything they need to be happy.
Edgar Market and Competitive Intelligence Intern

Hiring Advice & Events

Join Our Talent Communitiy

Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.
Lorem Ipsum

Join Our Talent Community

We'll notify you about relevant positions, and keep you in mind whenever we have interesting opportunities.